Weekly Fire Alarm Testing
Our weekly fire alarm testing team can do this for you giving you peace of mind that it will always be carried out with logs kept up to date on site and at our office.

At DD Fire Alarms Ltd we can offer a nationwide weekly testing service.
- Under British Standard 5839: Part 1 – Fire Detection & Alarm System for Buildings – Code of Practice for System Design, Installation and Servicing Section 4 – User Responsibilities.
- The responsible person for the premises is to ensure that a weekly test of the buildings fire alarm system is carried out under the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) order 2005(Article 17)
- The “weekly test” is an addition to the routine maintenance undertaken by a professional fire alarm engineer company in respect to the buildings system.
This is to prove on a weekly basis that the control panel is capable of receiving and processing a fire alarm signal and providing an output to the fire alarm sounders.
- A different manual call point should be used each week so that all manual call points in the building are tested in rotation over a prolonged period. The results of the weekly test and the location of the manual call points used should be recorded in the site logbook.
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